Scholarships for this year Retreats, Scholarships, Slow StitchingSamantha HoytJanuary 24, 2020philosophy, friends, community, exploration, learnComment
Mary Jane Mucklestone knitting, teachers, Guest teachersSamantha HoytNovember 24, 2013inspiration, friends, artistsComment
Meet our Teachers: Suzanne Parrott sewing, teachersSamantha HoytAugust 1, 2013creativity, inspiration, friends Comment
With six days to go, Say Hello to Jody Meredith! dyeing, process, teachersSamantha HoytJuly 14, 2013inspiration, friends, creativityComment
Meet our Teachers: Eliza Jane Curtis screen printing, teachersSamantha HoytJuly 9, 2013inspiration, friends, creativityComment