Is it possible for me to truly express my appreciation for the love you show to my Maine Stitching Retreats? Each year for the past six when I have opened registration the speed with which they have sold out has been breathtaking. Honestly it makes me a bit anxious. I want everyone who wants a spot in a retreat to get one. Yet every year some get shut out. I try hard to prepare the interested with a run down of how registration happens. And I know it works for the most part because I have lovely people who sign right up at the turn of the hour. This year I had some confusion due to the time change (note to self- never open registration on a day when the clocks change!), and then the website couldn’t keep up with all the traffic. But for the most part I have a posse of Happy Campers! And I cannot wait to meet you all this Summer here in Maine!
There are still a couple spots available in Slow Fashion 1.0, but literally, just two. The website has them as a triple and a double, but if you and your bestie want to come, I am sure I can do some shifting and make that one double… Join us, I promise its a boatload of fun!
There are also wait lists for Slow Fashion 2.0 and Slow Stitching. If you have your heart set on either feel free to send me an email and I will add you to the list. There is always movement on those lists, and if you can be flexible you just may find yourself at Camp this year!
So thank you a million times over for your interest in my retreats. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful for your love and support.