Slow plans for 2017
It was such a flash of clarity last August when the Slow Stitching retreat was all packed up and we were headed back South to Portland. Yes, this is what I love to do, pull together these lovely talented people and create a beautiful space for them to share their knowledge with Makers. It was clear as the nose on my face. Slow down, Samantha, slow down and focus on those things that are most important to you. Share something authentic, something real, something honest, and you will find your people. The last week has been extremely painful for many of us. I have had trouble staying on course, and can honestly say that it is really the promise of these oases coming this Summer, that have kept me afloat.
Cal Patch
Jessica Lewis Stevens
Katrina Rodabaugh
I am not trying to sound melodramatic here, only to re-affirm my belief that Making something tangible and concrete with your own two hands, is to vital to our collective well being. And even just the planning of a retreat where much Making will occur, has given me some small buffer against the winds of turmoil roiling over our country.
Chawne Kimber
Heather Jones
Kim Eichler-Messmer
So instead of belaboring my fears, I am offering up to you, my collective people, my Slow Making offerings for 2017. This year I have added a Slow Fashion retreat to my Slow line-up, to join the already popular Slow Stitching outing. These two retreats will take place amid the beauty and quiet of Maine- one on the beach and the other in the woods. Both have built into their 'schedules' much time for exploration and discovery, learning, and communing with a small group of like minded makers. I am beyond proud that these thoughtful, generous, and expressive artists have agreed to come share their knowledge with us this Summer.
The Slow Stitching retreat returns this year with an extra day of instruction, and another teacher. We will expand the practices to include a dip in the Indigo bath. The extra day gives us all the opportunity to truly dedicate our attention to a way of being that supports our ability as humans to create, to share, to connect, to make a difference. All the details are available HERE. I like people to have time to make big decisions like this, so the actual registration will open on March 1st. But right now you can read all about how this retreat will go....
The addition to the Slow repertoire this year is the Slow Fashion retreat in July, on the beach in Saco, ME. Full disclosure, I was a garment sewist years before I ever quilted, so making clothes is my first love in the textile world. Being able to produce a retreat that turns the slow focus to this love has been a delight. For some, the Slow Fashion movement is a known entity, but for others this concept is new. If you want to read a pretty good overview of the movement, read THIS. We can all make a small difference by turning our attention to this industry, and especially as Makers, we can do something about the waste and pollution by taking back some control over our wardrobes. So this week in July will give the participants a number of ways to do just that. All while stepping back from the fray, on the beach, in Southern Maine. You can read these details HERE.
Will you join us for either of these Slow weeks? I hope so! I have tried to compile all the details you might need to make this choice, but if I have missed something, please reach out to me. You can email me at info AT agatheringofstitches DOT com, and I will do my best answer your questions. As the hashtag reads, #makersgonnamake.